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- Woordenboek der Groningsche volkstaal, in de 19e eeuw (1895). H. Molema
299 records found.
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
to pray or say grace before dinner (Lit.: to sit behind one's cap)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: achter (de) pet zitten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) hand hol'n Dialect: Gronings
to keep s.th. for a rainy day (Lit.: to keep behind the hand)
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) hand hol'n Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) hand hol'n Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) hand hol'n Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) hand hol'n Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: achter (de) hand hol'n Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: achter (de) hand hol'n Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: op zien achterste pooten/hakken goan stoan Dialect: Gronings
to rise up in arms, get very cross (Lit.: to go stand on one's hind legs)
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: op zien achterste pooten/hakken goan stoan Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: op zien achterste pooten/hakken goan stoan Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: met ain kennen aiden en plougen Dialect: Gronings
to get along well with someone (Lit.: to be able to harrow and plough with someone)
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: met ain kennen aiden en plougen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: met ain kennen aiden en plougen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: met ain kennen aiden en plougen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: met ain kennen aiden en plougen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: met ain kennen aiden en plougen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: met ain kennen aiden en plougen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: met ain kennen aiden en plougen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) grond liggen Dialect: Gronings
to have come down in the world (Lit.: to lie on the ground)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) grond liggen Dialect: Gronings
Moderately acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) grond liggen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) grond liggen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) grond liggen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) grond liggen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) grond liggen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) grond liggen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 'r tegen bosseln mouten Dialect: Gronings
to have to struggle hard, work against something (Lit.: to have to brush against it)
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 'r tegen bosseln mouten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 'r tegen bosseln mouten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 'r tegen bosseln mouten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 'r tegen bosseln mouten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 'r tegen bosseln mouten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 'r tegen bosseln mouten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 'r tegen bosseln mouten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 'r tegen bosseln mouten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 'r tegen bosseln mouten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 'r tegen bosseln mouten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: gain bijn an grond kennen kriegen Dialect: Gronings
to have no succes at something, to stay behind for instance in a game (Lit.: to get no leg on the ground)
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: gain bijn an grond kennen kriegen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: gain bijn an grond kennen kriegen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: gain bijn an grond kennen kriegen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: gain bijn an grond kennen kriegen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: gain bijn an grond kennen kriegen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: gain bijn an grond kennen kriegen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: gain bijn an grond kennen kriegen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: mit ('t) verkeerde bijn oet ('t) ber stapt zijn Dialect: Gronings
to have gotten out of bed on the wrong side, be bad-tempered (Lit.: to have stepped out of bed with the wrong leg)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: mit ('t) verkeerde bijn oet ('t) ber stapt zijn Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: mit ('t) verkeerde bijn oet ('t) ber stapt zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: mit ('t) verkeerde bijn oet ('t) ber stapt zijn Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: mit ('t) verkeerde bijn oet ('t) ber stapt zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: mit ('t) verkeerde bijn oet ('t) ber stapt zijn Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: mit ('t) verkeerde bijn oet ('t) ber stapt zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: mit ('t) verkeerde bijn oet ('t) ber stapt zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: mit ('t) verkeerde bijn oet ('t) ber stapt zijn Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 't wel flikken zellen Dialect: Gronings
to pull it off, to manage s.th. (Lit.: to surely pull it off)
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 't wel flikken zellen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 't wel flikken zellen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't wel flikken zellen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 't wel flikken zellen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't wel flikken zellen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain 't hemd van 't gat vragen Dialect: Gronings
to want to know everything from someone, to pester someone with questions (Lit.: to ask someone the shirt off the butt)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain 't hemd van 't gat vragen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain 't hemd van 't gat vragen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain 't hemd van 't gat vragen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain 't hemd van 't gat vragen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain 't hemd van 't gat vragen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain 't hemd van 't gat vragen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain 't hemd van 't gat vragen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain 't hemd van 't gat vragen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain 't hemd van 't gat vragen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain 't hemd van 't gat vragen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 't gras kennen heuren wassen/gruien Dialect: Gronings
to be cocky, conceited (Lit.: to be able to hear the grass grow)
Acceptability varies by speaker
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 't gras kennen heuren wassen/gruien Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't gras kennen heuren wassen/gruien Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't gras kennen heuren wassen/gruien Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't gras kennen heuren wassen/gruien Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly not acceptable
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 't gras kennen heuren wassen/gruien Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't gras kennen heuren wassen/gruien Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't gras kennen heuren wassen/gruien Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't gras kennen heuren wassen/gruien Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 't gras kennen heuren wassen/gruien Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 't gras kennen heuren wassen/gruien Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 'n bult strōnt om hakken hebben Dialect: Gronings
to have a haughty manner, to brag (Lit.: to have a pile of shit on one's heels)
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n bult strōnt om hakken hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n bult strōnt om hakken hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n bult strōnt om hakken hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n bult strōnt om hakken hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain dicht op (de) hoed zitten Dialect: Gronings
to sit so close to someone that you touch them, to keep on at someone (Lit.: to sit someone close on the skin)
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain dicht op (de) hoed zitten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain dicht op (de) hoed zitten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain dicht op (de) hoed zitten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain dicht op (de) hoed zitten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain dicht op (de) hoed zitten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: Den zellen mie de koezen nait meer jeuken Dialect: Gronings
I will be long dead then. (Lit.: By then, the molars won't itch me any longer)
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: Den zellen mie de koezen nait meer jeuken Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: Den zellen mie de koezen nait meer jeuken Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: Den zellen mie de koezen nait meer jeuken Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) keel oethangen Dialect: Gronings
to be fed up with something (Lit.: to hang someone out the throat)
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain (de) keel oethangen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) keel oethangen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) keel oethangen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain (de) keel oethangen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain (de) keel oethangen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain (de) keel oethangen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) keel oethangen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain de woorden oet (de) keel/strut mouten hoalen Dialect: Gronings
someone never says anything, is not a sociable person (Lit.: to have to pull the words out of someone)
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain de woorden oet (de) keel/strut mouten hoalen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain de woorden oet (de) keel/strut mouten hoalen Dialect: Gronings
Barely acceptable
Idiom: ain de woorden oet (de) keel/strut mouten hoalen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain de woorden oet (de) keel/strut mouten hoalen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain de woorden oet (de) keel/strut mouten hoalen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain de woorden oet (de) keel/strut mouten hoalen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain de woorden oet (de) keel/strut mouten hoalen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain de woorden oet (de) keel/strut mouten hoalen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: nait tot vief tellen kennen Dialect: Gronings
to be or appear stupid, dumb (Lit.: to be unable to count to five)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: nait tot vief tellen kennen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: nait tot vief tellen kennen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: nait tot vief tellen kennen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: nait tot vief tellen kennen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: nait tot vief tellen kennen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: nait tot vief tellen kennen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: nait tot vief tellen kennen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: nait tot vief tellen kennen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: op zien kop geven Dialect: Gronings
to give someone a beating, to rebuke someone (Lit.: to give someone on their head)
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: op zien kop geven Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: op zien kop geven Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: op zien kop geven Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: op zien kop geven Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 'n kop teunen Dialect: Gronings
to be headstrong after being rebuked, from a child (Lit.: to show a head)
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 'n kop teunen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 'n kop teunen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n kop teunen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 'n kop teunen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n kop teunen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n kop teunen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 'n kop teunen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n kop teunen Dialect: Gronings
Barely acceptable
Idiom: 'n kop teunen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: om (de) kop lopen; het lopt mie om (de) kop Dialect: Gronings
to have (too) many things on your mind, to be extremely busy (Lit.: to walk around the head; it walks me around the head)
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: om (de) kop lopen; het lopt mie om (de) kop Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: om (de) kop lopen; het lopt mie om (de) kop Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: om (de) kop lopen; het lopt mie om (de) kop Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: om (de) kop lopen; het lopt mie om (de) kop Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly not acceptable
Barely acceptable
Idiom: om (de) kop lopen; het lopt mie om (de) kop Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: om (de) kop lopen; het lopt mie om (de) kop Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: om (de) kop lopen; het lopt mie om (de) kop Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
to get something going (Lit.: to have it on the walk)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: 't an (de) loop hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) mantel oetvegen Dialect: Gronings
to rebuke, punish someone (Lit.: to clean someone the cloak out)
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) mantel oetvegen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain (de) mantel oetvegen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) mantel oetvegen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) mantel oetvegen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) mantel oetvegen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) mantel oetvegen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) kladder wezen / op (de) kletter wezen Dialect: Gronings
to be on the run (for a horse), to be on a spree, on the loose (Lit.: to be on the rattle (=sound of horse's hooves))
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) kladder wezen / op (de) kletter wezen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) kladder wezen / op (de) kletter wezen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: aan (de) kladder wezen / op (de) kletter wezen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: 'n slechte piep rooken Dialect: Gronings
to come off badly, to suffer damage or loss (Lit.: to smoke a bad pipe)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n slechte piep rooken Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n slechte piep rooken Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n slechte piep rooken Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n slechte piep rooken Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n slechte piep rooken Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n slechte piep rooken Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n slechte piep rooken Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: 'n slechte piep rooken Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: (de) bek op 't rechte stee hebben Dialect: Gronings
to be a good speaker, to talk easily (Lit.: to have one's mouth on the right spot)
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: (de) bek op 't rechte stee hebben Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: (de) bek op 't rechte stee hebben Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: (de) bek op 't rechte stee hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: (de) bek op 't rechte stee hebben Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: (de) bek op 't rechte stee hebben Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
to not have the energy to get anything done, to be lazy (Lit.: to be unable to move anything out of the spot)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: niks oet (de) stee kennen zetten Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: mit (de) mond vol tannen stoan Dialect: Gronings
to be at a loss for words, be tongue-tied (Lit.: to stand with the mouth full of teeth)
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: mit (de) mond vol tannen stoan Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: mit (de) mond vol tannen stoan Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: oet ('t) stuur komen/zijn Dialect: Gronings
to be upset, confused (Lit.: to come/be out of rule)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: oet ('t) stuur komen/zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: oet ('t) stuur komen/zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: oet ('t) stuur komen/zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: oet ('t) stuur komen/zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: oet ('t) stuur komen/zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: oet ('t) stuur komen/zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: oet ('t) stuur komen/zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: oet ('t) stuur komen/zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: oet ('t) stuur komen/zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: oet ('t) stuur komen/zijn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) rogge toudraien Dialect: Gronings
to turn one's back on someone (Lit.: to turn the back at someone)
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain (de) rogge toudraien Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain (de) rogge toudraien Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ʼn tumel holʼn Dialect: Gronings
to make a mistake, to overindulge and get discredited for it (Lit.: to get a tumble)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ʼn tumel holʼn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ʼn tumel holʼn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ʼn tumel holʼn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ʼn tumel holʼn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ʼn tumel holʼn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ʼn tumel holʼn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ʼn tumel holʼn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Barely acceptable
Idiom: ʼn tumel holʼn Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain bie (de) poot had hebben Dialect: Gronings
to fool someone (Lit.: to have had someone by the paw)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ain bie (de) poot had hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain bie (de) poot had hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ain bie (de) poot had hebben Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ain bie (de) poot had hebben Dialect: Gronings
Mostly acceptable
Idiom: ergens gain tou aan vast kennen knopen Dialect: Gronings
can't make head or tail of it, to not understand something (Lit.: to be unable to tie any rope to something)
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ergens gain tou aan vast kennen knopen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ergens gain tou aan vast kennen knopen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ergens gain tou aan vast kennen knopen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Idiom: ergens gain tou aan vast kennen knopen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ergens gain tou aan vast kennen knopen Dialect: Gronings
Mostly not acceptable
Idiom: ergens gain tou aan vast kennen knopen Dialect: Gronings
Acceptability varies by speaker
Acceptability varies by speaker